Research Interests

Comparative genomics

We are now in a 'genomic age',  where the quantity and quality of genomic data is increasing rapidly. 

I am interested in using comparative methods to analyse this genomic data. 

In my research, I tackle broad questions by analysing genomic and ecological traits to test key predictions from evolutionary theory.

Horizontal gene transfer & plasmids

In addition to transferring their genes 'vertically' to their descendants, many bacteria and other microbes can transfer their genes 'horizontally' to their neighbours. This means genes for traits such as antibiotic resistance can spread rapidly through populations. I am interested in how HGT shapes evolution and genome structure in bacteria.

Plasmid transfer is a common mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria (HGT). I am interested in what kinds of genes are carried on plasmids, and how this influences the evolution of those traits.

Social Evolution

I am interested in the evolution of social behaviour. Sociality is found across the tree of life, from cooperation between genes in a genome to worker bees caring for their Queen's offspring.

Bacteria are also 'social'. For example, they secrete molecules that act as cooperative public goods that provide benefits to neighbouring cells. I am interested in the evolution of social behaviour between bacteria.